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The Sandboys EP – “Wish for the best”

When you see the artwork in this album you think you’ll hear a full vintage music style, or old fashion, but trust me: it is not. Once you start hearing it there’s nothing boring about it, it’s a masterpiece that combines a lot of music forms together, from country, rock, ska… it’s a delight for your ears.

The sound that The Sandboys bring is very chilly and enjoyable, perfect for almost any occasion you could possibly think of, since the tracks goes from different types of emotions. The ukulele and the trumpet bring that joyful atmosphere that will have you rocking your way through these 6 tracks included in this EP and the small orchestration elements are also a big plus just to make a statement.

‘Wish for the best’ is the opening track, a very happy mid tempo beat accompanied by the ukulele and the trumpet, voices harmonizing just incredibly. Then ‘Drive you on’ starts a more country-like feeling, keyboard intro then smooth guitars, like the old school rock-country that’s not very common today in the mainstream music scene.

. Next, those country vibes hit in back again with the fourth track ‘Like I used to be’, this one in particular has a quite interesting mixture between country, rock elements and it gets intense when the violin takes the spotlight.

After some upbeat songs there’s a slow ballad listed in the track number five: ‘Path of least resistance’. The moment I heard it I just wanted to turn on my lighter and swing it side to side, it’s very touching with all that orchestration and background vocals.

Then, ‘More than enough’ the sixth and last track from the EP starts and you just want to stand up and start dancing and clapping your feet again, is the perfect closing track, it leaves you hungry for more.

There’s nothing I could say against ‘Wish for the best’ since it’s a great EP, wish it would be a full length album to hear more and keep singing and dancing along.
This band was founded in 2009 with a small acoustic project that Kevin (lead singer) and Jeff (Guitar) started but it wasn’t until Bob’s (Bass) proposition to start a band when the project really took off. Sometime after they hooked up Martin (Drums) trough a local drummer and this four men act is the actual formation for this project.

The band is very easy to reach in case you want then at your parties or wedding, they’re used to take these kinds of gigs. They mostly do covers from different bands and singers with a very personal and unique touch, they won’t do it the way everyone’s doing it, they’ll show you how it is done and how they roll in South Wales.
Some of the artists in their set list are: David Bowie, Kings of Leon, The Strokes, Blondie, U2, Scissor sisters, Nirvana, Jimmy Hendrix, Radiohead and of course, they play their original songs too.

If you want to know more about The Sandboys check their websites and social media to stay tuned for news, future releases, shows, performances and more.


By Jose Carlos

About Stephen Vicino

Stephen Vicino is the founder of MusicExistence.com. He created this site to give talented musicians a voice and a way to be discovered.

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