Home / Album Reviews / Single Review: Discomfort Underneath “No Lonely Days”

Single Review: Discomfort Underneath “No Lonely Days”

Sorted but spellbinding because of its distinctive arrangement of strings, percussion and brooding vocal harmonies, there’s something all too fetching about Discomfort Underneath’s “No Lonely Days” as it starts to play, and trying to press the stop button ahead of the song’s conclusion is next to impossible. The clandestine pop hook is sterling, but it’s not the main drive bringing us closer to the glow of the melody. Between vocals and intimate guitar strings dancing about in perfect synchronicity, “No Lonely Days” fills a void created largely by last year’s pandemic – one for cathartic, unapologetically bright pop music removed of synthetics entirely.

One of the most exciting elements of this single is the interplay it features between singer and guitarist, who are more than engaged with each other’s style enough to know how to get the most out of the shared spotlight.

SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/solarnews/no-lonely-days


The swagger both of these players are using to usher every verse and pluck of the strings forth is entrancing, but never verges on arrogance best left out of this genre entirely. Discomfort Underneath is a rather deceptive name for this act all things considered, and in “No Lonely Days,” the irony becomes rather difficult for even the most novice of critics to ignore.

There aren’t many singer/songwriter-style projects getting the attention hip-hop and a burgeoning pop/punk revival movement is at the moment, but if you’re going to check out a single soft alternative rock act in this style, Discomfort Underneath needs to be at the very top of your listening list. “No Lonely Days” exemplifies the precise kind of unselfish collaborating I never hear much of in the contemporary alternative underground but is sorely needed throughout the pop music spectrum, and hopefully it won’t be the last single of its kind I hear from this source.

Loren Sperry


About Michael Stover

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